We could not map this address. Please click on the map to set the precise location.Once the address and location have been verified, click the "Confirm Address" button located below the map.The location is currently being confirmed. Thank you.
Appointment Time
Please select an appointment date and time. For Same-Day appointments, call us at 509-607-7465
Account Information
Project Details
What is the Parcel Number for the Property?* required
Will the neighbors to be notified that we have permission to access the land?
Will the seller or agent be present at this shoot? (not required but advised for bigger properties)
Are there any specific features you wish to have highlighted?
Additional Information
Please enter anything else we may need to know (i.e. gate code, special feature of the home to make sure we get, etc.)
(NOTE: This option is only displayed to team members, not clients)
Please ensure the property is ready before the photographer arrives, as the property will be shot "as-is".
Any appointment time overage due to the property not being ready may be billed at $60/hr.
Grand Showing requires a 24-hour notice for cancellations. Any appointment cancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled shoot may incur a $60 same-day cancellation fee.
Drone photos may not be available due to airspace restrictions, in which case the charge may be refunded.
Grand Showing works hard to provide the most accurate colors, but cannot always guarantee 100% color accuracy due to lighting and weather factors.
I understand these photos/video are licensed for my and my business' use only. Allowing others (subcontractors, architects, property managers, etc.) to use these photos/video for their own purposes is strictly prohibited without first calling to pay an additional photo licensing fee.